[Seaside] German characters in combination with WAListenerAdaptor

Philippe Marschall philippe.marschall at gmail.com
Sun Jul 25 07:39:35 UTC 2010

2010/7/23 Kai-Uwe Pielka <webmail at pielka.de>:
> Hello,
> I'm using Pharo 3.0a5 Image.
> To be able to utilize Comet I'm using WAListenerAdaptor server.
> Now I want to translate the Website (etumma.de) to german and need to be able to display german special characters (see http://etumma.de/?language=Deutsch).
> I did some Google research and figured out that I need to use WAKomEncoded39 server to support german language and this works but Comet stops working.
> So it seems that I can either utilize Comet functionality or german language but not both in combination.
> I tried to start both Servers on different ports but this also failed.
> Is there a way to use german characters with WAListenerAdaptor server?

- How do you store your strings? If you look them in the inspector do
the umlauts look ok?
- What is the encoding you configured on the servers (should be
displayed in the control panel)?


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