[Seaside] Where to set a session locale?

Georg Heeg georg at heeg.de
Thu Oct 21 06:26:20 UTC 2010

I am currently working with a group of master students of software
localization at Anhalt University on project to localize seaBreeze, the
seaBreeze editor, seaBreeze documentation, seaBreeze tutorial and on a
framework to create multilingual seaBreeze applications easily.

Thus I looked into Seaside how to embed our ideas and I got pretty happy:
Seaside 3.0 has all the infrastructure needed to create multilingual web
applications. VisualWorks UserMessage lookup uses Seaside session
information to get to the right locale. That's all great.

Now I have a question: Where shall I set the session locale? Actually my
idea is to initialize it from the 'accept-language' property of the
WARequest if it is not yet set in the session. I think the statement should
look like this:

	self someMessage session locale ifNil: [self someMessage session
locale: (self someOtherMessage request acceptLanguage)]

Hints are welcome.

Georg Heeg

Georg Heeg eK, Dortmund und Köthen, HR Dortmund A 12812
Tel. +49-3496-214328, Fax +49-3496-214712

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