[Seaside] WABatchedList\WATableReport example code-snap for Set

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 05:18:53 UTC 2011

> Yes. I have several other components composed in renderContentOn:  I
> actually followed the example and have my result displayed,

The code you posted looked very buggy:

1. you cannot instantiate components while rendering (otherwise they
get recreated each time)

2. you cannot send #renderContentOn: on other components (this messes
with the rendering)

Both bugs can be detected using Slime.

> but i am
> interesting to know WABatchedList and WATableReport works together.
>  TableReport shows a table, but BatchedList controls what to show?  I am
> confused about this part.

You renderContentOn: method should look as simple as that:

renderContentOn: html
    tableReport rows: batchedList batch.
    html render: tableReport.
    html render: batchedList


Lukas Renggli

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