[Seaside] download and continue

Milan Mimica milan.mimica at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 19:54:23 UTC 2011

Jon Paynter wrote:
> Which marks as applied, and causes the browser to download the file. 
> But I afterwards I need to call: "self answer: true"  so the component 
> will exit.
> just adding: "self answer: true" at the end of the method doesnt work.

I asked the very same question not a while ago. The show answer is: you 
can't. HTTP server can answer the client with only one response, either 
a file download or a next HTML page. Its a design issue.
You could come up with some javascript that redirects shortly after the 
download has started but personally, I like to keep things as they were 
designed to work.

Milan Mimica

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