[Seaside] I have a possible solution to the puzzle at end of Chapter 12.2

Fritz Schenk intrader.intrader at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 04:44:30 UTC 2011

Thanks to Joachin Small World I have changed the code as follows:
1. Use cancelButton instead of submitButton in ConcatView.
2. Change the editContact as follows:
editContact: aContact
	(editor contact: aContact) onAnswer: [ :answer |
		ifFalse: [
			self handleAnswer: false.
			] .		

The code above works and the Cancel button works properly. I would like feedback
 as to the validity of the solution.

I had explored other solutions including:

1. Use of Magritte

2. Returning nil up the hierarchy on Cancel.

3. I had tried a variation of the solution suggested in Chapter 11.5, but that 
solution suffers from problems inherent in the example of Chapter 11.5 (only 
works when the the ContactViewList is rerendered). Removing the contact fails 
because when the button is reclicked, the list no longer contains the contact.

P.S. This an old problem that had remained unsolved for me ( I posted the 
problem before)

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