[Seaside] Re: Seaside application deployment/migration/update

Robert Sirois watchlala at hotmail.com
Tue May 3 23:37:04 UTC 2011

Version uploader in tools is probably the easiest way to go. If you change something in your model such as deleting a variable, then that data goes away.. otherwise you can add on all you want.

If you want to make a major change, you would want to merge the data to your new objects somehow.


Francois Stephany <tulipe.moutarde at gmail.com> wrote:

>> Hi the seaside admistrator app  has a tool to upload a mcz with a new version and save the image or you can update a package from a monticello repository via RFB or Screen shot tools.
>I'm not that found of a GUI tool to administrate a server. Doesnt RFB 
>add too much bloat ?
>Is there any command line tool to do that ?
>> Whe you talk about change, how long are that changes. ? Is The new model incompatibe with the older.?
>> Remember when you change the class structure, the compiler make the changes for all instances.
>But what happens to your existing data ? I know that I should store data 
>in a separate database but for the sake of simplicity I prefer to keep 
>my objects in the image while there are not too many data (the 
>application I have in mind is pretty simple concerning storage).
>> But that not enogh. You can persist the data in a chunck and recover late.
>So basically I could just serialize my data, throw the image and reload 
>the data in a new fresh image ?
>What do people generally do ?
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