[Seaside] problems with onBlur:

Larry White ljw1001 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 21:34:40 UTC 2011

I'm trying to add a snippet of javascript to a textInput using onBlur:

the code looks like this:

html textInput
id: self getHtmlId;
class: self cssInputClass;
size: metaData inputColumns;
callback: self callback  ;
onBlur: 'document.getElementById("rowfrm").submit();';
value: self valueBlock value.

when I render it in Pharo (Thanks Boris!) I get something like this:

<input id="PasswordReset_emailAddress"

class="xlarge text" size="30" name="1"


value="" type="text"/>

when i see it in the browser, the onBlur is missing.

<input id="PasswordReset_emailAddress" class="xlarge text" size="30"
name="1" value="" type="text">

Any idea what's going on? Also, is the encoding in the onBlur string part of
the problem?

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