[Seaside] got the stripe.com interface to work

Yanni Chiu yanni at rogers.com
Tue Sep 25 16:08:56 UTC 2012

With a few struggles, I got the stripe.com interface at:
to successfully run the test scenario.

I loaded from the config, and it brought in just the core. Then I wanted 
to try the example form, so loaded the example. This pulled in all the 
Seaside tests. Anyhow I got the test form at /stripe-form.

On submitting the form with the suggested test data I got a response 
with an error msg: "Received unknown parameter: amount". I searched the 
code, and concluded that the message was coming from from Stripe, not 
from my image. I quickly found:
which explains that new users that sign up after a certain date will get 
this msg because the "amount" parameter is deprecated in the token 
request. But, older users will continue to be able to have the "amount" 
parameter appear.

So, I changed the code to not pass the amount - which was tricky since I 
had to switch the JS coding mode. It took me a while to figure out I was 
creating a JS syntax error with my code change.

With that out the way, I found I needed to install Zodiac. Then I had VM 
issues in getting SSL to run.

Finally, I could see the test attempts in the stripe.com dashboard. The 
final problem was that "usd" currency is hard coded. It's no longer the 
case that stripe.com only takes "usd". Once I changed the hard coded 
currency to "cad" to match my stripe account, the test scenario ran to 

So, please add me as a developer to the Stripe project, and I'll work on 
fixing the problems I encounter.

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