[Seaside] Re: Form generation and validation

Stephan Eggermont stephan at stack.nl
Mon Feb 9 12:00:00 UTC 2015

We started with a derivative from Mold called Deltawerken. You can see it in action
in the Storyboard application of https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/StoryBoard/
We had a gemstone application deployed for a startup. It worked well.

We then moved to Magritte and extended it with QCMagritte. 
It is very powerful, and the learnability for "advanced" features 
is difficult. It takes  a lot of time to really grasp the concepts 
and to apply them well.  

It was a conscious move to go for a platform with more users/
developers than just us, but so far we have not seen anyone 
get farther than just trying it out.

The nice thing about describing the application at a high 
abstraction level is that it supports switching technologies.


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