[Seaside] Answer Handlers - Multiple?

Sean P. DeNigris sean at clipperadams.com
Sat Jun 30 00:31:32 UTC 2018

Esteban A. Maringolo wrote
> What would be the use case of such multiple handlers?

I have a Magritte form for a Command object. I wanted to execute the command
during #save, which is implemented like this:
    self commit; answer: self model

I needed to execute after the commit but before the component answers. I
tried with an #onAnswer: block, but that prevented the normal answering, so
I ended up basically copy/pasting to:
MyModelObject>>#loginVia: aWAComponent
	"This is pretty much what #save-ing the Magritte form does, but there was
no apparent hook to set the user"
	aWAComponent commit.
	self ifUserAuthenticated: [ :usr | aWAComponent session user: usr ].
	aWAComponent answer

And then:
	^ super asComponent 
			addValidatedForm: { [ :comp | self loginVia: comp ] -> 'Login' };

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