[Seaside] WATagBrush subclass ZurbGenericTag ...change tag dynamically?

gettimothy gettimothy at zoho.com
Wed Mar 21 09:39:25 UTC 2018

Hi all.

I am creating the analog of the bootstrap framework for Squeak using the Zurb Foundation framework


Its coming along nicely and I am thinking ahead to the refactoring phase...

And it would be helpful if I could change the 

WATagBrush subclass: #ZurbGenericTag
 instanceVariableNames: ''
 classVariableNames: ''
 poolDictionaries: ''
 category: 'Zurb-Core-Canvas'

the tag method returns:

 ^ 'div'


Methods on that, model the bootstrap with lots of beFoo methods that set the class='bar' and others that set the self attributeAt:'funky' put:'town'

Here's the issue.  For the Accordian thingy, the docs here: https://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/accordion.html#basics
read in part:

The container for an accordion needs the class .accordion, and the attribute data-accordion. Note that in these examples, we use a <ul>, but you can use any element you want.

Now, the question.

I am subclassing UnorderedList instead of the GenericTag.

WAUnorderedListTag subclass: #ZurbAccordianTag
 instanceVariableNames: ''
 classVariableNames: ''
 poolDictionaries: ''
 category: 'Zurb-Core-Canvas-Containers'

 At this stage that means some duplicate "beFoo" methods between the two things.

For simplicity reasons, I don't want to re-invent the wheel, but want to keep the example framework (example Browser in bootstrap app) closely aligned to the online documentation.

However, if I can dynamically change the 
tag ^'div'
on the ZurbGenericTag 


tag ^'ul'
 then I can centralize those methods in ZurbGenericTag, make ZurbAccordianTag a subclass of it and use the "dynamic change the tag'....

Or...why not just override the method?

Good idea? Bad Idea?


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