[Seaside] WAAbstractFileLibrary>>#addFile: and Squeak 5.2

Tim Johnson digit at sonic.net
Tue Oct 30 20:28:16 UTC 2018


I ran into a problem when trying to import a file.

I was able to solve it for this file by changing "next" to "next asCharacter" in GRSqueakPlatform>>#convertToSmalltalkNewlines:

	next = Character lf
						ifTrue: [ writeStream nextPutAll: self newline ]
						ifFalse: [ writeStream nextPut: next asCharacter ] 

However, I wonder if part of the problem isn't in the calling method, WAAbstractFileLibrary>>#addFile:, or another class's #rawContents method, which is returning a ByteArray instead of a String...?


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