[Seaside] [ANN] Seaside jquery-morphdom wrapper

Esteban Maringolo emaringolo at gmail.com
Sat Nov 23 03:16:52 UTC 2019

Hi all,

As a small experiment to improve the performance of a big grid of html
inputs I was updating using a traditional "full div replace", I
implemented a Seaside JQuery wrapper and examples for the morphdom
utility that dos DOM diffing/patching.

This DOM patching technique avoids removing whole elements from the
DOM to be added later, and instead it reutilizes the DOM nodes (if
they have the same element id), avoiding CPU time and wasted memory.

So far works a drop-in replacement of jQuery's replaceWith()

For further info, please check the just created repo and run the
example, that is self evident:


Esteban A. Maringolo

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