[Seaside] Web content to PDF converter

Bob Nemec bobn at rogers.com
Wed Aug 12 13:06:39 UTC 2020

There a number of tools for converting web content to a PDF. Has anyone used one from within Seaside?I'd like to generate a PDF from a div, not the entire page.
We already use PDF4Smalltalk and Report4PDF with a rudimentary HTML parser.It can create PDF content for HTML that has bold, underline and italic markup.Users use this to add content to reports. Report4PDF can render the user content either as HTML or generate a PDF. Complex content, like tables and images, is not supported. And I have not interest in adding support. 
For code generated content Report4PDF works fine. But for user entered content it is not optimal. I'd rather use something that can represent complex user content. 
Anyone have experience with this?
Thanks,Bob Nemec
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