[Seaside] Let us know your Seaside application

gettimothy gettimothy at zoho.com
Sat Aug 22 09:19:45 UTC 2020


is a tool I wrote for my development work.

It is beta quality visually, but very useful for programmers in that it provides Smalltalk source code that can be cut-n-paste into your app.

It is also beta quality programmatically, in that I was teaching myself the Zurb framework while writing it, and some fundamental design decisions can and should be replaced with a simpler idiom.

That said, I can spin up a quality working proof of concept inside an hour using the example code from it.

---- On Wed, 19 Aug 2020 08:20:17 -0400 Johan Brichau <johan at inceptive.be> wrote ----

Hi all,

I was invited to write an article on Seaside for the french magazine 'Programmez' (there is a special edition on Smalltalk).
I want to know about applications with Seaside that still exist today so I can mention them. 

Please send me a link!
If it's an intranet application, please also let me know... I can also reuse that list for a website (*).

I know there are a lot of applications that use Seaside, as I sometimes just hear about them in conversations. 

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