[Seaside] Seaside Metacello and optional dependencies

Aaron Rosenzweig aaron at chatnbike.com
Wed Mar 10 16:45:14 UTC 2021


I’m working on a demo app that is in a public repo and trying to setup my baseline correctly for loading via Metacello. 

Here is the snippet I’m using to include Seaside:
seaside: spec
		baseline: 'Seaside3'	
		with: [ spec repository: 'github://SeasideSt/Seaside:master/repository' ].

This works well; however, I want to use Prototype-Core and Scriptaculous-Core. These don’t come out of the box. I sort of know that jQuery is the new hotness but consider this academic, I want to know how to include Prototype / Scriptaculous. Right now I can manually load them from Iceberg but I’d prefer this to be automatic and easy for a newcomer. 

I did read this manual: https://github.com/pharo-open-documentation/pharo-wiki/blob/master/General/Baselines.md <https://github.com/pharo-open-documentation/pharo-wiki/blob/master/General/Baselines.md>

Still, I’m stumbling finding the right syntax to set this up. Maybe I overlooked something obvious, that could be the case. 

My goal is to have a simple AddressBook app with a little eye candy by resurrecting Alan’s (Objcentric’s) tutorial and mating it to a SQL backend with Petter’s HeySql. The URL for that is: https://github.com/recurve/ScriptaculistPharoHeySql <https://github.com/recurve/ScriptaculistPharoHeySql>

I’m open to using jQuery instead but I first want to do it with Scriptaculous. I’m also very curious in how to get this syntax right in general, for baselines, as an academic exercise. 

Thanks in advance,
— Aaron
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