[Seaside] jQuery dialog question

Louis LaBrunda Lou at Keystone-Software.com
Sun May 23 21:22:14 UTC 2021

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to use the jQuery dialog as a replacement for the JavaScript alert() function.  I'm using VA Smalltalk
v9.2.2.  The code below opens the dialog when the image button is clicked but closes soon thereafter.  Does anyone have
any idea why and what I can do about it?  Or have a better way of doing it?


help: aString on: html
	"Create the html to display the help string."
	| helpString id |

	helpString := aString copyReplaceAll: LineDelimiter with: '\n\'.
	html div
		id: (id := html nextId);
		script: (html jQuery new dialog
			autoOpen: false;
			html: [:r | r label class: 'Label'; with: helpString];
			title: 'Help';
			width: 1000;
			resizable: true;
			modal: true).
	html space.
	html imageButton class: 'HelpImage'; title: ('Popup Help - ', aString); url: theSession helpUrl;
		onClick: (html jQuery id: id) dialog open.
Louis LaBrunda
Keystone Software Corp.
SkypeMe callto://PhotonDemon

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