[Setools] Nitpicking Gjallar

Balázs Kósi rebmekop at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 13:37:56 UTC 2006


Until we get somewhat deeper in Gjallar, and a bit more confident with
our Squeak developing skills to start real contribution, is it worthwile
to continue to report my small inconveniences with the framework?

The latest such scenario was: I wanted to log in, but typed an
incorrect username,
and i get back a seaside stacktrace. It was easy to find out, that the
LDAP service
failed - cause i have no LDAP - and i have to set [LDAP]
autoCreateUser in the infile to false.
But a more fault tolerant behaviour would be better.

I am exploring case linking and criteria mechanism, to implement
"composite processes".
Does it make sense?

I have to go for now. Have a good weekend.

thanks: balazs

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