[SoC] Summer of code Application

Ralph Johnson johnson at cs.uiuc.edu
Sat Mar 17 21:12:10 UTC 2007

I am not sure what you mean by "structure generator".  I think you are
trying to add something to Seaside so that it is competitive to Rails.
 If so, you should say that.  It would also help if you were to say
exactly what you think Seaside is lacking.  I assume that the things
you say you will build are what you think is lacking, but you don't
actually say that.

Learning Smalltalk takes time.  It is not harder than other systems,
but it is not trivial, either.  The best way to learn it is to pair
with an expert.  You might find a student who knows Squeak but not
Rails who will work with you a few hours per day for a week or so.
That will help you get up to speed much more quickly.  There are a lot
of things in Smalltalk that are different from other environments.
Not harder, not worse (in fact, often better), but different.  The
faster you can learn these things, the better.


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