[SoC] Summer of code Application

Andrew P. Black black at cs.pdx.edu
Sun Mar 18 04:58:45 UTC 2007

Dear Pedro:

On 17 Mar 2007, at 13:07, Pedro Del Gallego wrote:

> Any comment or advices will be really appreciate

First piece of advice:  don't assume that the people judging your  
proposal will be experts in Rails, Seaside and CRUD.  You can assume  
that they will be smart, well-educated computer scientists, but not  
that they are experts in any particular piece of technology.  So,  
your proposal will have to explain what the problem is that you aim  
to solve, why the problem is a problem, and what you plan to do about  
it.   Describe the end-state that you want to get to, and why it will  
be good.  One good way to do this is by me means of a concrete  
example.  Say what programming the example like now, and what it will  
be like when you succeed.

Second, you propose to build a tool for others to use.   You say that  
at preent there is a steep learning curve, because people have to  
read the documentation for Seaside, and how seaside works is not  
clear.  (I agree with this.)  So you have to convince us that you can  
do better.  This means that you have to convince us that you are able  
to write good documentation, in English  The best way to to do so is  
to write a really clear and easy to follow proposal!

Third, if you have local Squeak programmers in Granada, can you get  
one of them to agree to help you get started with Squeak.  It is  
different from many other IDEs; without a local expert, you will  
waste a lot of time at first and get frustrated.  Pairing for a week  
or so, for 3 or 4 hours per day, with a Squeak-savvy colleague, will  
be a really good investment.

Andrew P. Black
Department of Computer Science
Portland State University
+1 503 725 2411

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