Spoon progress 27 July 2006: shared variables

stéphane ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Sat Jul 29 10:47:31 UTC 2006

> 	I expect that a class' published pools (the pools for which it is
> responsible, and which it provides to the rest of the system) will be
> defined as part of class initialization. Thereafter, the pool objects
> themselves are transferred directly. The way class objects are
> transferred from one system to another in Spoon is much more
> sophisticated than using an expression like the one you cite above.
> 	I also expect that the browsing tools will provide an actual user
> interface for interactively defining new classes, rather than the  
> crude
> way we've been doing it all this time (editing an expression and
> evaluating it).

In fact I do not understand why text is not good for defining classes.
I think that relying on tools to perform extra things is fishy.
What I would like is to have a declarative syntax for any construct  
so that
we can manipulate then. I liked the approach of Ginsu.

> 	Finally, there won't be an inherent need to use class variables when
> defining or initializing shared pools.

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