Hmmmm ... no HTTP

Chris Cunnington smalltalktelevision at
Tue Sep 6 21:00:05 UTC 2011

I took out a book on HTTP to probe Spoon. Then I broke out Wireshark and 
watched messages from 62982 and the base image. Guess what? There is no 
use of HTTP anywhere. It's all TCP. That makes sense. There is TCPStream 
and no HTTPStream.

Correspondent has no protocols in its subclasses. Actually, there is no 
HTTP at all that you could put into the #transport instvar, because it's 
not in the image. Because HTTPServer is not in this alpha. I guess 
there'd be a corresponding HTTPStream to put into HTTPServer.

     transport := (
                     (TCPStream transport)
                     port: 7777)

Neat things do go by watching with Wireshark: ModuleEdition; 
TagsEdition; activeEditionOfMethodAt:; and "an instance of Array doesn't 
understand #editionOfMethodAt:inClassWithBaseID:"

Spoon transports raw object memory as binary data on the TCP protocol. 
That's how it appears to me.


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