Nasty VM stuff

jim benson jb at
Mon Apr 13 23:43:44 UTC 1998

I have looked thru most of the VM code. I would like to write some
useful primitives. But, I have run into a couple of roadblocks which I
am sure there are some simple and elegant answers to.

Within a primitive:

How do I look up a name in the global space "SystemDictionary"?

How do I hash a symbol?

How do I send it a message (including parameters)?

Will Mr. garbage collector collect my arguments if I pop them off the
stack during execution of a primitive?

For example, let us say that I would like to create a new rectangle
within my primitive. I believe that I have to lookup the class based on
the hashed symbol 'Rect'. In Squeak:
         bo := Rectangle new.
        bo square: 20.

First I need to get the class 'Rectangle'.

        Smalltalk at: #Rect.

Are there some clever incantations, spells or maybe even code I go throw
to get this info?

And once I have this class, or an arbitrary object, how do I pass a
message to it? I assume that I need to hash the name of the message (
something along the lines of  HashAsSymbol('new')). What is the Squeak
approved way of doing this?

Finally, how do I send this symbol as a message to one of my new found

Humbled by this experience,


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