Smalltalk <-> Objective-C

Tim Rowledge rowledge at
Tue Apr 28 21:00:49 UTC 1998

On Tue 28 Apr, David Stes wrote:
> For example, with the question on QuickTime-support that we had a while
> ago on this list, of making a "link" between Squeak and QuickTime, it was
> clear that the Squeak people feel, that having such external modules, is a
> bit against their philosophy of being able to access everything, from top
> to bottom, as Smalltalk code.  (well, there was also a concern of 
> portability, but that concern wouldn't apply in the ST<->OBJC case).
I'm not sure how you got this impression David, but it certainly isn't one I got; several of us that look after the assorted ports have created prototypes of calls from Sq to outside modules precisely because it seems such an obvious idea
.. I _think_ that what Dan wrote expressed an opinion that there is no point in adding special QuickTime primitives to Sq since it is not portable and not a core requirement for the system. I believe he further suggested exactly the genera
lized external calling capability that I refer to above.


He who hesitates is probably right.
Tim Rowledge:  rowledge at (w)  +1 (650) 856-7230 (w)
 tim at (h)  <>

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