Porting troubles

Georg Gollmann gollmann at edvz.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Aug 26 13:24:51 UTC 1998

While I still hope that future versions of Squeak will be 32bit clean I
have concocted a quick and dirty hack to make it run (crawl?) on my old Mac
IIsi under Linux/m68k (Debian 2.0).
See: http://macos.tuwien.ac.at/Squeak/Linux%2Fm68k/


Dipl.Ing. Georg Gollmann                   TU-Wien, EDV-Zentrum

phon:(+43-1) 58801 - 5848
fax: (+43-1) 587 42 11
mail:gollmann at edvz.tuwien.ac.at

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