string sharing (possible bug?)

Tim Olson tim at
Thu Dec 10 03:44:02 UTC 1998

>On 12/9/98 at 5:48 PM, tod.blanchard at (Blanchard, Tod) wrote:
>> In practice most C compilers are lax about checking for this and don't
>> produce more than a single read/write data segment.  For instance, I just
>> tried that program on Solaris using gcc and it worked exactly as I expected.
>> Not even a warning. Most good C++ compilers generate a warning at
>> initialization warning that a non-const pointer was initialized pointing to
>Hmmmm.....makes me think this is a generic problem with operating system 
>design in addition to a language problem.

This goes all the way back to some of the original FORTRAN 
implementations.  In FORTRAN (up through FORTRAN-IV and FORTRAN-77, 
anyway), everything is call-by-reference, and most implementations used a 
"constant pool" for literals.  The classic mistake would be to pass a 
"constant" to a subroutine which ended up modifying that constant -- 
future uses would then be corrupted:

       CALL X(1)
       I = 1 + 1
       WRITE (6, 10) I
    10 FORMAT (1H1, 7H1 + 1 =, I2)
       I = 2

See <> for more discussion 
on this.

     -- tim

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