PWS as a plain web-server

John (Zhijiang) Han zhan1 at
Mon Dec 14 17:26:30 UTC 1998

On 14 Dec 1998, Marc Nijdam wrote:

> Huh, I must be doing something wrong then... I set my serverDirectory
> to my httpd document root and did a PWS initializeAll which complained
> that the given server directory is not valid (which I'm sure it is)!

I tend to remember that PWS initializeAll actually first checks the
version by PWS checkVersion.  As to your case, it is *not necessary.  So
you should bypass that and everything will be fine. 

Actually I have been sending out the following message (kind of, not
exactly the wording) for several times

 o PWS initializeAll is not mandatory.  What it does is just to set up the
   following Servers after validating the version. 

   - AuthorizedServerAction
     For you to work on a web workspace to admin. the server remotely

   - ChatPage
     For live chating

   - ServerAction
     This is the default server

   - EmbeddedServerAction
     For you to have fun, examples including a factorial computing form

   - ScreenshotAction
     For you to impress people by showing the screenshot of the server

   - CodeServer
     For you to access the code even if you are away from the server
     o smtlk - For you to read the code from an ordinary web client
     o chunk - For you to read the code from within squeak

   - Comment
     An example for group discussion

 o And thus, it is not needed if you don't need those functionalities.

> As soon as I copy the Server directory into that directory it works,
> but that's not what I want to do since the contents of that directory
> seems to be oriented towards Swikis, and it just does not make sense.

It should work :-)

Cheers,         *
John (Zhijiang) *          zhan1 at uiuc dot edu
(^_^) Jesus Loves You

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