AlignmentMorph and TextMorph

Bob Arning arning at
Sun Dec 27 21:05:23 UTC 1998

On Sun, 27 Dec 1998 11:44:46 -0500 "Pennell's" <pennell at> wrote: 

>The names are all left justified (expected), the scores are all 
>right justified. (why?)

Andrew's explanation probably answers this one. Incidentally, if the scores are 1000, 100, 10, and 1, then the 1 does not appear right-justified in your example since there is (see TextMorph>>fit) a minimum size for TextMorphs. Using #contentsWrapped: instead of #contents: and adding #rightFlush will correct this.

>The names are editable, the scores are not.  (why?)

Well, they are editable in my system, but then I dug around a bit and found I had "fixed" this problem before. TextMorphs seem to think they have an unlimited width and thus the first one on the line will answer true to #containsPoint: and the second one never sees it. My change is:


containsPoint: aPoint
	(super containsPoint: aPoint) ifFalse: [^false].
	self startingIndex > text size ifTrue:
		["make null text frame visible"
		^ super containsPoint: aPoint].
	^ self paragraph containsPoint: aPoint

With this change, both will be editable. If you change your morph creation methods to send #lock to the name and score morphs, then neither is editable. As in:

scoreMorph: score

	^TextMorph new 
		contentsWrapped: score printString; rightFlush; lock


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