squeak program delivery, etc

Joshua Johnson Marker lux at umich.edu
Sat Dec 5 15:20:16 UTC 1998

> Must disagree.  Have you asked yourself what is the root of
> money?
> How does the existence of money generate homelessness per se?
> (And yes, Gates is an evil sob.  What's your issue with Groves?)

	Agreed. Money/etc isn't a zero-sum game; look at the boundary
cases to see that. 
	ObSqueak: I'm trying to convince my advisor to throw out their
current curriculum and use squeak for her CS-for-non-majors class. (They
use . . . javascript.) (Shudder) I have to teach the stuff. Guilt. 

Joshua (lux)       * HMRL: 734.647.5778
Sorting out my life. . . .in O(n lg n).
There's only one way to use 'Windows NT' and 'security' in the same
sentence, and this is it.
Windows '98 -- guaranteed Year 1990 compliant.

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