A suggestion for factoring the list

Prof. Moray n.moray at surrey.ac.uk
Tue Feb 24 14:26:20 UTC 1998

OK- sorry I started it!  I'll continue to read everything and do manual
filtering!  It's probvably good for me in some spiritual way!


>Prof. Moray (n.moray at surrey.ac.uk) said:
>>I'm very interested in other people's problems - and even more in the
>>solutions to things which don'ty seem to work, but, for example, I
>>spoend about 30 minutes a day trashing discussions of hashing,
>>efficient coding for floats, and so on.  I am happy to bow down and
>>worship before those clever enough to concern themselves with the
>>latter kjind of things, but it would be great if there were some way of
>>saving that 30 minutes to 1 hour each time I log on!
>I think that one thing which may be overlooked in the discussion of
>splitting the list is that exchanges on this (and any other) list often
>stray from the original topic.  What starts as a "newbie" question ("Why
>do two Floats which should be equal not compare 'correctly'?") may
>evolve into a discussion of more complex issues involving changes to the
>class lib or the VM.  If the list is split this evolutionary discussion
>style might be compromised or lost, leaving us all with less to talk
>about.  Just an observation...
>Bob Jarvis

Work email:   N.Moray at surrey.ac.uk
Home email:  nmoray at globalnet.co.uk

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