Morphic: hunches about sluggishness

Les Tyrrell tyrrell at
Sun Feb 15 06:03:06 UTC 1998

There has been some discussion about the apparent
sluggishness of Morphic.  My own experience is that
this is not a general characteristic- some things
are quite snappy, others definitely are sagging.
So I think that in general things are not that bad,
but there exist certain places where cycles can
be devoured.

I think a good hint might be found in the CurveMorphs.
These really seem to devour cycles as a HandMorph drifts
over them.

>From looking at the code there appear to be several places
in the routine processing of events where the morphs beneath
the hand are being querried in order to find the appropriate
recipient of the HandMorph's interactions.  This appears to
happen several times for each event- so perhaps this is a
part of the problem.  I think that the manner in which
the CurveMorphs are trying to answer these questions
is a strong candidate for at least some of the
apparent sluggishness.

I've only begun to tear into morphic, so for now
these are my best hunches.  Good luck!


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