printing blocks

FixPoint FixPoint at
Wed Jan 28 23:31:06 UTC 1998

Content-ID: <0_886030267 at>
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Here is a method useful for printing blocks.

--Sheldon Nicholl

Content-ID: <0_886030267 at>
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Content-disposition: inline

'From Squeak 1.23 of October 4, 1997 on 26 January 1998 at 6:32:39 pm'!

!Decompiler methodsFor: 'public access' stamp: 'sn 1/26/98 18:27'!
decompileBlock: aBlock 
	"Decompile aBlock, returning the result as a BlockNode. 
	Show temp names from source if available."
	"Decompiler new decompileBlock: [3 + 4]"

	| startpc end homeClass blockNode tempNames home |
	(home _ aBlock home) isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
	method _ home method.
	(homeClass _ method who first) == #unknown ifTrue: [^nil].
	constructor _ DecompilerConstructor new.
	method fileIndex ~~ 0		"got any source code?"
			[tempNames _ (homeClass compilerClass new
							parse: method getSourceFromFile
							in: homeClass
							notifying: nil) tempNames.
			self withTempNames: tempNames].
	self initSymbols: homeClass.
	startpc _ aBlock startpc.
	end _ (method at: startpc-2)\\16-4*256 + 
		   (method at: startpc-1) + startpc - 1.
	stack _ OrderedCollection new: method frameSize.
	statements _ OrderedCollection new: 20.
	super method: method pc: startpc - 5.
	blockNode _ self blockTo: end.
	stack isEmpty ifFalse: [self error: 'stack not empty'].
	^blockNode statements first! !

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