Makefile quesion: #include "sq.h"

Ian Piumarta piumarta at
Sat Jan 10 21:54:48 UTC 1998


> Does anyone know why sqFilePrims.o, sqSoundPrims.o, sqUnixNetwork.o, and
> sqXWindow.c apparently aren't reading in their header file "sq.h" [...]
> The sq.h file definitions don't seem to be getting into the above files,
> though the #include "sq.h" is at the top of each file.

Here are some things to try.  Compile with "-H" to see if the
preprocessor is including the right "sq.h".  Compile with "-E" to check
the output from the preprocessor to see if it looks reasonable -- you
should be able to see the definitions for "int success(int);", and so on,
in the pre-processed output of sqFilePrims.c and friends.  Run "nm" on
"sqFilePrims.o" and "interp.o" and pipe it into "grep _success": the
former should have a symbol table entry of type "U" for _success, and the
latter an entry of type "T".  If all of that checks out okay, then I'm

You might want to double-check that the "make" program is linking all the
required ".o" files, or try linking them manually:

	gcc -o Squeak *.o -lX11 -lXext -lm

and maybe with the "-v" flag to see precisely which options the driver is
passing to the various compilation stages.

> A Squeak Makefile is needed to work on a NetBSD-1.3 unix system which
> has not yet got a port of Squeak. [...]
> gcc generated system info through gcc -E -dM c.c

This will print a bunch of symbols, amongst which you should choose one
(or more) to identify the platform.  (You could equally well discover
these by running "gcc -v" which will print the path to the "specs" file,
in which you will find a list of the platform-specific definitions that
gcc is using on your platform, immediately after the line "*cpp:".)

Once you have rectified the linking problems I suggest you copy the
iX86/FreeBSD portion of the config file, change the symbols in the #if
defined(...) lines to check for your platform, and alter the #defines and
#undefs to suite the M68K instead of the Pentium.  My guess is that the
OS stuff is all the same, and the CPU stuff is all the opposite way round
except for DOUBLE_WORD_ALIGNMENT (if this is incorrect then you'll get a
SEGV the first time the Squeak tries to read or write a Float):

#if defined(__BSD__) && defined(__m68k)                /* 68k/BSD */
# if defined(SQ_CONFIG_DONE)
#   error configuration conflict
# endif
# undef  HAS_D_NAMLEN
# undef  HAS_ON_EXIT
# define HAS_MSB_FIRST			/* changed */
# undef  DOUBLE_WORD_ORDER		/* changed */
# define JUMP_ALIGN_STRICT		/* changed */

I'm not 100% certain about DOUBLE_WORD_ORDER -- you'll have to try it
both ways and see which one works.  (The image might even come up, and
restore the display, with the wrong setting.  The first thing you should
try is "print it" on "Float pi", and if the value is right then then flag
is right.)

Good luck!


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