Sending WinSqueak Code: Dumb but Critical Question

Georg Gollmann gollmann at
Tue Jan 20 16:30:15 UTC 1998

>(2) We've built a turnIn and grading system in the Pluggable WebServer so
>that students can fileOut their code, open up the fileOut, select-all and
>copy, then paste it into a text area in an HTML form.  Again, all tabs and
>line endings are gone, so we can't fileIn.

Why not send the "fileout" directly to the PWS without the detour to the
local file system ?


Dipl.Ing. Georg Gollmann                   TU-Wien, EDV-Zentrum

phon:(+43-1) 58801 - 5848
fax: (+43-1) 587 42 11
mail:gollmann at

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