Bug tracking

jim benson jb at speed.net
Wed Jul 29 17:49:58 UTC 1998


Okay, so my little native window project has gotten a little bit bigger
than I thought it would and ...

Straight out -- it has bugs, and unfortunately more than I can keep
track of in my head.

How do I track those bad boys and mark their extermination ? My current
clever solution is to write them down in a text file, one section marked
"bugs" another section marked "enhancements" and write down when the bug
was exterminated, along with the time and date, and a short description
of the fix.

BTW, this is even more clever than my previous method. My previous
method was to write the bug down on a scrap piece of paper, ( with an
illuminating drawing if possible). I would collect the papers in a bug
pile. Invariably, I would need to clean my desk off, and sort thru the
bug pile. Since I could rarely make heads or tails out of what I had
written previously ( lucid insights into the inner workings of the
system in the middle of the night somehow do not  seem quite as
brilliant in the light of day a couple of weeks later ), I usually end
up just throwing away most of the older bug reports. Instinctively, I
know that if a bug is bad enough, it will show up later. This has the
added bonus of limiting the number of bugs I need to fix to the bugs
that I can explain coherently on a piece of paper. This helps sharpen
both my writing, drawing and programming skills all at once!

Realizing that other people may have this problem, I write to you hoping
that  a Squeak based solution exists. This probably involves something
of a task list/ priority type of system.


jim benson

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