class, prototype, meta

Ken Dickey kend at
Mon Mar 2 18:53:36 UTC 1998

>Ken Dickey said:
>Note that I did a prototype dispatcher which did not use global tables
>(for precisely the case that network objects might have a very small
>local lifetime).  The basic idea is that the selector is handed to such
>an object which does its own dispatch.  When an object 'enters the
>system' it gets the selector values and creates an optimized dispatch
>function (perhaps lazily).  [I can send you a page of html and a couple
>of tiffs with sample code in Scheme if you are interested].
>Sounds like ideal material for one of the Wiki sites.  Why not send a text
>version to the mailing list and put the html and tiffs (converted to gif?)
>on one of the Wiki sites.  We ought to create a discussion topic for this
>thread (if it doesn't exist already).

Er, OK.  Those not interested in low level hackery can skip this.  Those 
who are really interested may want to slog through the expository Scheme 
code at the bottom (or not 8^).

These scribblings are somewhat long, so I elided the object model 
description (basically multiple inheritance by aggregation|delegation).

FILE            "NewOM"
IMPLEMENTS      Description of portable oo method dispatch 
                technique and an object model which makes 
                effective use of it.
AUTHOR          Ken Dickey
DATE            1995 November 6-9 -- Dispatch Technique & 
                expository implementation.
UPDATED         1996 March    13  -- added Object Model proposal

                                  PART I: DISPATCHING


Method dispatch functions typically fall into two styles: compressed 
tables (e.g. [DresHoz], [HuangChen]) and generic functions with caching 
(e.g. [KicRod], [HozChaUng]). The method dispatch technique described 
here is less complex than the above strategies and should yield good 
performance while avoiding restrictions such as global knowledge and 
reliance on naming conventions. This 'locality' property makes the 
technique suitable for network distributed applications.


The main point of this technique is not that it is faster at object 
dispatch than current strategies but that it requires only local 
knowledge about objects. This is important in distributed contexts where 
objects may come in over the network evey few milliseconds (and live for 
indeterminate times) as one does not in general wish to continually be 
rebuilding global tables or updating sets of generic functions. In the 
technique described, generic functions are essentially immutable, 
executable data structures which may be "in-lined". A secondary 
contribution of this dispatching technique is that one may use it to 
build systems which use multiple interoperating object models.


No global tables are required (=> can be used in network contexts)

Object model independent (can be used to support class/instance, 
prototype and delegation models; single and multiple inheritance)

Not dependent on method (a.k.a. 'selector') or class names

Simple to understand and implement


The purpose of method dispatch is to take a generic method and a set of 
actual arguments and select a specific method (function) which is then 
applied to these arguments. This application of specific method to 
arguments is called method invocation.

In this technique, method dispatch is made up of two parts: [1] mapping 
some arbitrary generic method name (a.k.a. the 'selector') to a 
selection-object and [2] using this selection-object to determine which 
specific method to use. The specific method is then invoked with the 
generic method's actual arguments. Let us call [1] the lookup and [2] the 

The dispatch operation may be seen as {Scheme notation [Scheme]} (method 
obj arg...) => (((chooser obj) (mapper method)) obj arg...) i.e. the 
target object's chooser function is given the method's selection object 
and yields a specific method which is applied to the generic method's 
arguments. [If there exists no legal/applicable method, a suitably 
crafted error method is used].

The selector-object consists of two parts: [1] a unique selector-id, and 
[2] one or more bitstrings used in the second part of the dispatching 
process. A new selector is created by [a] incrementing the selectorID 
counter to generate a new selectorID [b] generating the bitstrings via 
specialized pseudo-random number generator(s), and [c] packaging the 
results into an (immutable) data structure.


The lookup is just an environment or dictionary which maps names to 
values. In the typical case a generic method is just the value of a name 
in an environment where the method has lexically captured the 
selector-object. E.g. Scheme code for method definition might look like 
the following:

(define foo-method (make-generic-dispatcher (make-selector)))

Note that the value of foo-method is the important part, not the name. A 
module system might rename the value (i.e. in another module environment, 
the value of foo-method might be known by another name).


To create the chooser for an object, the selector-object of each of its 
specific methods must be known. The specific methods are stored in a 
vector known as the method table for the object. There is a cutoff 
parameter which is determined empirically for each machine architecture. 
If the number of methods for a class/object is less that the cutoff 
parameter, then a specific method is found by linear search using the 
selectorID as the key (a.k.a. ribcage lookup). If the number of methods 
is greater than the cutoff parameter then a hash lookup is used. The 
ideal case for hashing is called a perfect hash. A perfect hash function, 
when applied to its parameter, yields a different index (a.k.a. 'key') 
for each method. This index is the location of the method in the method 
table, where methods are placed in accord with the results of the hash 
function. If no perfect hash can be found, then an imperfect hash is 
used. In this case, there are indices in the lookup vector where 
different hashes collide. Where index collisions occur, instead of a 
method in the designated method table location, there is a hash bucket. 
The hash bucket is searched linearly, again based on matching selectorIDs.

To recap, one of three strategies is used for lookup. The three 
strategies used for lookup are [1] Linear Search, [2] Perfect Hash, [3] 
Imperfect Hash.

There are a number of strategies which one can use to choose a hash 
function and make use of the selector-object's bitstrings. One strategy 
is to use several bitstrings, choose each in turn--across all 
selector-objects, apply one or more hash functions and based on some set 
of criteria choose the best. A sample set of criteria is: If there is a 
perfect hash, use it. If there are several perfect hashes, use the one 
which yields the smallest range of indices. If there is no perfect hash, 
use the imperfect hash which best balances the smallest range against the 
fewest collisions {the parameters are determined empirically for each 
machine architecture}.

Perhaps the simplest strategy is to use one bitstring whose size fits 
within a single machine register. This means that a selector-object 
consists of a pair: selectorID, bitstring. The bitstring might be 
generated, for example, by concatenating 4 pseudo-random numbers in the 
range 0..255. The hash function used could then implemented by a 
"mask-immediate and rotate" (typically 1-2 cycles on a RISC CPU). The 
size of the mask accords with the size of the method table. The mask can 
be "shifted" by a set amount and then tried again to yield a new hash 
function. The "mask-immediate and rotate" is captured by a closure 
(function) which becomes the chooser for the object/class.

        SelectorID  01001010010101010100
        Mask        00000000011100000000
        Shift                        101
                     => fn table index 5

Note that when new methods are added for an object, only the chooser need 
be recalculated. Different selector-objects and choosers can be 
algorithmically (and locally) generated for each machine or address space 
on a network. Also, choosers may be shared by multiple objects (e.g. all 
objects of the same class or prototypes having the same parents). 
Finally, construction of a chooser for an object may be delayed until the 
first invocation of a generic method on that object.


A generic function is created with a unique selector-object. An object 
has a set of methods which are applicable to it and used to generate a 
chooser for that object. When a generic method is applied, the following 
steps are followed (The first argument to the method is called the 

[1] The chooser is obtained from the target-object and applied to the 
generic method's selector-object. This yields a specific method.

[2] The specific method is applied to the same arguments which were 
passed to the generic method.

The chooser uses one of three strategies (as above)

[1] Linear Search: A vector of selectorIDs is searched based on the 
selectorID of the selector-object. When a match is found, the index of 
the matching selectorID is used as the index into the method table for 
the target object to yield the specific method. (If no match is found 
then an error method is returned).

[2] Perfect Hash: The chooser's hash function is applied to a bitstring 
in the selector-object to yield an index. If the index is in the valid 
range, it is used to index into the target object's method table and the 
specific method found there is applied. (If the index is out of range, 
then an error method is returned. "Holes" in the method table may be 
filled with an error method).

[3] Imperfect Hash: As with [2]. If the indexed location contains a 
method, it is returned, else the indexed location has yielded a "ribcage" 
which is searched linearly as in [1].

                        PART II: Object Model


[DresHoz] Driesen & Holzle: "Minimizing Row Displacement Dispatch 
Tables", OOPSLA '95, SIGPLAN Notices 30(10),
October 1995.

[HozChaUng] Holzle, Chambers & Ungar: "Optimizing Dynamically Typed 
Object-Oriented Languages with Plymorphic
Inline Caches", ECOOP '91 Conference Proceedings, Geneva, 1991.

[HuangChen] Huang & Chen: "Efficient Algorithms for Method Dispatch in 
Object Oriented Programming Systems",
Journal of Object Oriented Programming, September 1992.

[KicRod] Kiczales & Rodriquez: "Efficient Method Dispatch in PCL", Proc 
1990 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional
Programming, 1990, ISBN 0-89791-386-X, ACM # 552900.

[Malef] Malefant: "On the Semantic Diversity of Delegation Based 
Programming Languages", OOPSLA '95, SIGPLAN
Notices 30(10), October 1995.

[Scheme] IEEE Std 1178-1990 (IEEE/ANSI/ISO Standard for the Scheme 
Programming Language), ISBN
1-55937-125-0, December 1990.

{Scheme Programming Language [Scheme]}

;;NOTA BENE: I could not have written this in Java!

(define (MAKE-COUNTER)
  (let ( (counter 0) )
     (lambda () 
        (set! counter (+ 1 counter))
) )

  (let ( (new-selector-id (make-counter)) )
     (lambda ()
        (cons (new-selector-id) (make-random-chooser-bitstring))
) ) )

(define SELECTOR-KEY   car)  ;; a.k.a. selector-id
(define SELECTION-BITS cdr)

;; In a faster implementation, the following would be specialized to
;; match the number of args for each generic function and not use 
;; 'rest' args.
(define (MAKE-GENERIC-DISPATCHER selector-obj)
  ;; return a simple dispatch function
  (lambda (target-obj . args)
    (apply ((chooser target-obj) selector-obj) target-obj args)
) )
(define (GENERIC-DISPATCH-ERROR obj . ignored-args)
  (Error "Not a valid method for " obj)

  ; return an integer which fits in a fixnum
    (+      (random #xFF) 
       (lsh (random #xFF)  8) 
       (lsh (random #xFF) 16)
       (lsh (random #x1F) 24)) ;;  assume 4 byte word w 3 bit tag

;;                     0          1           2         3
(define MASKS '#( #x000000FF #x0000FF00 #x00FF0000 #xFF000000 ) )
(define (MAKE-HASH-FUN masknum)
  (let ( (mask (vector-ref masks masknum)) 
         (shift (- (* 8 masknum)))
  ;; return a simple hash function
  (lambda (fixnum)
    (lsh (logAnd mask fixnum) shift)) ;; just mask & rotate
) )

(define HASH-FUNS ;; may as well share these..
  (vector (make-hash-fun 0) (make-hash-fun 1) (make-hash-fun 2) )

;; indices 0..max-hash-fun-index
(define MAX-HASH-FUN-INDEX (- (vector-length hash-funs) 1))

(define (MASK-WIDTH-FOR max-index)
  ;; ceiling( log2( max-index ) )
  (ceiling (/ (log max-index) (log 2)))

(define (MAKE-MASK mask-width)
  (- (expt 2 mask-width) 1)

;; take a vector of selector-objs and a matching vector of specific 
(define (MAKE-CHOOSER selector-vec specifics-vec)
  (let ( (max-index (- (vector-length selector-vec) 1)) )
     (if (<= max-index linear-search-cutoff)
       (make-linear-search-chooser max-index 
                                   (make-key-vector selector-vec)
       (make-hash-chooser          max-index selector-vec specifics-vec)
) )

(define (MAKE-KEY-VECTOR s-vec)
  (let* ( (vec-size (vector-length s-vec))
          (key-vec (make-vector vec-size 0)) 
          (max-index (- vec-size 1))
    (let loop ( (index 0) )
      (vector-set! key-vec index 
                           (selector-key (vector-ref s-vec index)))
      (if (< index max-index) (loop (+ index 1))))
) )

(define (MAKE-LINEAR-SEARCH-CHOOSER max-index key-rib value-rib)
  (lambda (selector)
    (let ( (key (selector-key selector)) )
       (let loop ( (index 0) )
           ((eq? key (vector-ref key-rib index))
            (vector-ref value-rib index)) ;; found it
           ((< index max-index) (loop (+ index 1))) ;; keep looking
           (else generic-dispatch-error))  ;; lose, no where else to check
           ;; NB: delegation would replace the last clause
           ;; with an invocation of the parent's chooser (or
           ;; other search strategy).
  ) ) )

(define (MAKE-HASH-CHOOSER max-index selector-vec specifics-vec)
  ;; 1st, decide which hash function to use
  (let* ( (mask-width (mask-width-for (vector-length selector-vec)))
          (mask (make-mask mask-width))
          ;; gingerbread for 'multiple value' return
          (details-hash-fun car)
          (details-validation-vec cadr)
          (details-dispatch-vec caddr)
            (choose-hash-details max-index 
                                 selector-vec specifics-vec
                                 mask mask-width))
  ;; finally, return the hash-chooser
  (prim-make-hash-chooser (details-hash-fun       details)
                          (details-validation-vec details)
                          (details-dispatch-vec   details))
) )

(define (PRIM-MAKE-HASH-CHOOSER hash-fun validation-vec dispatch-vec)
 ;; the validation-vec is a simple error check to weed out invalid
 ;; selectors  (the low-level implementation can be smarter).
 (let ( (dispatch-vec-size (vector-length dispatch-vec)) )
   (lambda (selector)
    (let ( (index (hash-fun (selection-bits selector)))
           (key   (selector-key selector))
     (if (>= index dispatch-vec-size) 
         generic-dispatch-error ;; range error
         (let ( (validation (vector-ref validation-vec index)) )
              (if (eq? key validation)
                  (vector-ref dispatch-vec index)
             ;; else validation is #f => do linear search of bucket
              (let ( (bucket (vector-ref dispatch-vec index)) )
                (ribcage-lookup key bucket)))
         ) ) ; end-let
  ) ) ) ;; end-lambda
                  ;; Again, delegation would replace the error cases
                  ;; above with a call to a parent's invoker or other
                  ;; lookup strategy.

(define (RIBCAGE-LOOKUP key bucket)
  (let ( (max-index (- (vector-length (car bucket)) 1)) 
         (key-vec   (car bucket)) ;; Bucket is a consed ribcage.
         (value-vec (cdr bucket)) ;; A single vector would be faster
       )                          ;; (but less clear).
    (let loop ( (index 0) )
         ((eq? key (vector-ref key-vec index))
          (vector-ref value-vec index))           ;; found it
         ((< index max-index) (loop (+ index 1))) ;; keep looking
         (else generic-dispatch-error))           ;; lose
) ) )

;; return list of hash-fun, validation-vec, dispatch-vec 
;;                                          (a.k.a. dispatch-table)
(define (CHOOSE-HASH-DETAILS max-index selector-vec specifics-vec
                             mask mask-width)
  ;; in a 'real' implementation, this might slide (shift)
  ;; the mask along, looking at each result for the best balance
  ;; of range vs # collisions.  I will ignore that for now and
  ;; simply try 3 mask cases, ignoring the input mask.  
  ;; This results in larger dispatch tables, but is simple and
  ;; easy to smarten up.
  ;; The basic strategy is to try each hash function in turn,
  ;; looking for a perfect hash (with the smallest range).
  ;; If no perfect hash is found, we want the smallest
  ;; range of imperfect hash which has a small # of collsions.
  ;; We also want the max number of collisions in a single bucket
  ;; to be less than linear-search-cutoff.
  (let ( (hash0-stats 
           (gather-hash-stats (vector-ref hash-funs 0) 
                              max-index selector-vec))
           (gather-hash-stats (vector-ref hash-funs 1) 
                              max-index selector-vec))
           (gather-hash-stats (vector-ref hash-funs 2) 
                              max-index selector-vec))
     (let ( (chosen-hash-fun+stats
               (choose-hash-fun-from-stats hash0-stats 
       (make-v&d-vecs chosen-hash-fun+stats 
) ) )

;; return list of hash-fun, validation-vec, dispatch-vec
(define (MAKE-V&D-VECS stats selector-vec specifics-vec)
  (let* ( (base-hash-fun (stats-hash-fun stats))
          (hash-base (stats-min-index stats))
          (hash-fun (lambda (s) (- (base-hash-fun s) hash-base)))
          (max-specifics-index (- (vector-length selector-vec) 1))
          (vec-size (- (+ (stats-max-index stats) 1) hash-base))
          (validation-vec (make-vector vec-size 0)) ; 0 is invalid key
          (dispatch-vec   (make-vector vec-size generic-dispatch-error))
          (collisions? #f) ;; none so far
   ;; this fun makes a hash fun based on range min..max
   ;; (i.e. subtract min from hash index).
   (let loop ( (from-index 0) )
     (let* ( (selector-obj (vector-ref selector-vec from-index)) 
             (to-index (hash-fun (selection-bits selector-obj)))
          ((and (number? (vector-ref validation-vec to-index))
                (zero?   (vector-ref validation-vec to-index)))
           ;; => no collisions (yet) for this location
           (vector-set! validation-vec to-index 
                        (selector-key selector-obj))
           (vector-set! dispatch-vec to-index 
                        (vector-ref specifics-vec from-index))
          (else ;; collision for use of this vector
                ;; gather info for later fixup
            (set! collisions? #t)
            (let ( (old-val (vector-ref validation-vec to-index)) )
                  validation-vec to-index 
                  (cons (cons (selector-key selector-obj)
                              (vector-ref specifics-vec from-index))
                        (if (pair? old-val)
                              (cons old-val 
                                    (vector-ref dispatch-vec 
        ) )
        (if (< from-index max-specifics-index) (loop (+ from-index 1))) 
   ) )
   ;; if imperfect hash, construct ribcage 'buckets'
       (let loop ( (to-index 0) )
          (if (pair? (vector-ref validation-vec to-index))
            ;; list of pairs: (selector-key specific-method)
             (let* ( (to-process (vector-ref validation-vec to-index))
                     (rib-size   (length to-process))
                     (keys-rib   (make-vector rib-size))
                     (values-rib (make-vector rib-size))
                     (index 0)
                (lambda (pair)
                  (vector-set! keys-rib   index (car pair))
                  (vector-set! values-rib index (cdr pair))
                  (set! index (+ index 1)))
             (vector-set! dispatch-vec   to-index (cons keys-rib 
             (vector-set! validation-vec to-index #f) ;; => ribcage
         ) )
         (if (< to-index (- vec-size 1)) (loop (+ to-index 1)))
   ) )
   ;; result
   (list hash-fun validation-vec dispatch-vec)
) )

(define (CHOOSE-HASH-FUN-FROM-STATS . stats-list)
  ;; find perfect hash with smallest range
  ;; else use hash with least collisions
    ((null? stats-list) (error "No hash stats available !?!"))
    ((null? (cdr stats-list)) (car stats-list)) ;; wins by default
      (let loop ( (leader (car stats-list)) (others (cdr stats-list)) )
        (if (null? others)
            (let ( (challanger (car others)) )
              (if (stats<? leader challanger)
                 (loop challanger (cdr others))
                 (loop leader     (cdr others))
        )   )  )
  ) ) )

(define (STATS<? stats1 stats2) ;; less implies worse, so use high scorer
  (let ( (STATS-RANGE 
           (lambda (stats) 
              (- (stats-max-index stats) (stats-min-index stats))))
    ((zero? (stats-num-collisions stats2)) ; 2 has perfect hash
     (if (not (zero? (stats-num-collisions stats1)))
         #t ; 1 loses (is <, i.e. worse)
         (> (stats-range stats1) (stats-range stats2))
    (else ;; more collisions => worse, hence lower score
      (> (stats-num-collisions stats1) (stats-num-collisions stats2)))
) )

(define STATS-MIN-INDEX      car)
(define STATS-MAX-INDEX      cadr)
(define STATS-HASH-FUN       cadddr)

(define (GATHER-HASH-STATS hash-fun max-index selector-vec)
  ;; do simple insertion sort of resultant keys
  ;; return min & max keys (=> range) and # collisions (duplicates)
  ;; as (list min max collisions hash-fun)
  (let ( (INSERT 
           (lambda (val sorted-list)
               ((null? sorted-list) (list val))
               ((> val (car sorted-list)) (cons val sorted-list))
               ((null? (cdr sorted-list)) 
                (set-cdr! sorted-list (list val))
                 (let insert-loop ( (last sorted-list)
                                    (here (cdr sorted-list))
                      ((null? here)
                       (set-cdr! last (list val)))
                      ((> val (car here))
                       (set-cdr! last (cons val here)))
                      (else (insert-loop here (cdr here)))
                    ) )
            ) )
          ) ; end-insert
            (lambda (sorted-list)
              (let ( (min 0) (max 0) (collisions 0) )
                  ((null? sorted-list) 
                   (list min max collisions hash-fun))
                  ((null? (cdr sorted-list)) 
                   (list (car sorted-list) 
                         (car sorted-list) ;; min = max = this
                    (set! min (car sorted-list))
                    (set! max min)
                    (let stats-loop ( (last sorted-list) 
                                      (here (cdr sorted-list)) 
                       (if (null? here)
                         (list min max collisions hash-fun)
                         (let ( (val (car here)) )
                           (if (< val min) (set! min val))
                           (if (> val max) (set! max val))
                           (if (= val (car last))
                              (set! collisions (+ 1 collisions)))
                           (stats-loop here (cdr here))
                       ) )
                ) ) )
          ) ) )
  (let hash-loop ( (index 0) (sorted '()) )
    (if (<= index max-index) 
        (hash-loop (+ index 1) 
              (insert (hash-fun 
                           (vector-ref selector-vec index))) 
        (process-stats sorted)))
) )


;; assume an object is a vector with the chooser in slot 0
(define (CHOOSER obj) (vector-ref obj 0))

(define LINEAR-SEARCH-CUTOFF 4) ;; hash if more than cutoff elts

;; A low-level implementation would have access to a generic
;; method's selector-obj, either by destructuring the cosure 
;; or via a registry, but this is just test code, so we do by
;; hand what the object system would do...

(define foo-selector  (make-selector))
(define foo-generic   (make-generic-dispatcher foo-selector))

(define bar-selector  (make-selector))
(define bar-generic   (make-generic-dispatcher bar-selector))

(define bar-selector-setter  (make-selector))
(define bar-generic-setter   (make-generic-dispatcher 

(define baz-selector  (make-selector))
(define baz-generic   (make-generic-dispatcher baz-selector))

(define glorph-selector  (make-selector))
(define glorph-generic   (make-generic-dispatcher glorph-selector))

(define glop-selector  (make-selector))
(define glop-generic   (make-generic-dispatcher glop-selector))

(define quux-selector  (make-selector))
(define quux-generic   (make-generic-dispatcher quux-selector))

(define foo-specific1 (lambda (obj arg) (+ arg 1)))
(define bar-specific1 (lambda (obj) (vector-ref obj 1)))
(define baz-specific1 (lambda (obj) 3))
(define bar-specific1-setter (lambda (obj val) (vector-set! obj 1 val)))

(define obj1-selectors 
  (vector foo-selector bar-selector baz-selector bar-selector-setter))
(define obj1-specifics 
  (vector foo-specific1 bar-specific1 baz-specific1 bar-specific1-setter))
(define obj1-chooser (make-chooser obj1-selectors obj1-specifics))

(define obj1 (vector obj1-chooser 1 2 3))
(define another-obj1 (vector obj1-chooser 'A 'B 'C))

(define foo-specific2 (lambda (obj arg) (+ arg 2)))(define bar-specific2 
(lambda (obj) (vector-ref obj 2)))
(define bar-specific2-setter (lambda (obj val) (vector-set! obj 2 val)))
(define glorph-specific2 (lambda (obj) 3))
(define quux-specific2 
  (lambda (obj) (string-append (bar-generic obj) "-QUUX!!")))
(define glop-specific2 (lambda (obj) (vector-ref obj 1)))

(define obj2-selectors 
  (vector foo-selector bar-selector glorph-selector 
          bar-selector-setter quux-selector glop-selector))
(define obj2-specifics 
  (vector foo-specific2 bar-specific2 glorph-specific2 
          bar-specific2-setter quux-specific2 glop-specific2))
(define obj2-chooser (make-chooser obj2-selectors obj2-specifics))

(define obj2 (vector obj2-chooser "one" "two" "three"))

(define farfl-selector  (make-selector))
(set-cdr! farfl-selector (cdr quux-selector)) ;; force collision
(define farfl-generic   (make-generic-dispatcher farfl-selector))
(define collide-selector (make-selector))
(set-cdr! collide-selector (cdr quux-selector)) ;; force collision (again)
(define collide-generic   (make-generic-dispatcher collide-selector))

(define farfl-specific3 (lambda (obj) "farfl"))
(define collide-specific3 (lambda (obj) "collide"))
(define quux-specific3 (lambda (obj) "quux"))

(define obj3-selectors 
  (vector foo-selector bar-selector glorph-selector 
          bar-selector-setter quux-selector glop-selector
          farfl-selector collide-selector))
(define obj3-specifics 
  (vector foo-specific2 bar-specific2 glorph-specific2 
          bar-specific2-setter quux-specific3 glop-specific2
          farfl-specific3 collide-specific3))
(define obj3-chooser (make-chooser obj3-selectors obj3-specifics))

(define obj3 (vector obj3-chooser "a" "b" "c"))


(foo-generic obj1 10)            ;;==>  11
(bar-generic obj1)               ;;==>   1
(bar-generic-setter obj1 666)    ;; Unspecified
(bar-generic obj1)               ;;==> 666
(bar-generic another-obj1)       ;;==> a
;(quux-generic obj1)             ;; SHOULD FAIL


(foo-generic obj2 10)            ;;==> 12
(bar-generic obj2)               ;;==> "two"
(bar-generic-setter obj2 "X")    ;; Unspecified
(bar-generic obj2)               ;;==> "X"
(quux-generic obj2)              ;;==> "X-QUUX!!"
;(baz-generic obj2)              ;; SHOULD FAIL


(foo-generic obj3 10)            ;;==> 12
(quux-generic obj3)              ;;==> "quux"
(collide-generic obj3)           ;;==> "collide"
(farfl-generic obj3)             ;;==> "farfl"
;(baz-generic obj3)              ;; SHOULD FAIL

                                               --- E O F ---

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