Updates 'R' Us - Morphic debugger

William O. Dargel wDargel at shoshana.com
Tue May 26 22:08:07 UTC 1998

Hello all,

I spent some time working with 'step' in the Morphic debugger. It's not
easy trying to debug the debugger. I pretty much resorted to inserting
code that blasted info directly onto the display. I came up with a
handful of fixes, which I've attached.

The main problem with updating the selection while stepping (both MVC
and Morphic) was supposedly fixed when Dan Ingalls wrote:

>  062DebuggerPcFix-ar.st
>          Fixes pc selection during debugger step.

but this change apparently was mis-transcribed from Andreas Raab's fix.

-The Debugger step method needs to do a changed: #contentsSelection (not

Also, I made the following changes that apply only to Morphic:

-The PluggableTextMorph setSelection: method would only display the
selection if it needed to be scrolled into view. Added 'scroller
changed' to update the highlight for when it's already visible.

-When going from the Notifier to the Debugger views in Morphic, the
original SystemWindow and PluggableTextMorph were left as dependents.
Things like setSelection: were getting called twice. By calling
breakDependents in Debugger>>debug they're eliminated from the

-Finally, the Morphic Notifier had an initial selection (visible if one
scrolled or resized the window) as if the text was showing the
debugger's code, rather than the notifier's short stack. I changed
Debugger>>buildMorphicNotifierLabelled:message: to nil the
#readSelection: argument. While I was at it, I used nil for #text: and
#accept:, since they aren't really being used.

One other minor problem in Morphic that I noticed is: Right now if you
'cancel' while in the notifier, all the text goes away. This is because
the initial short stack message isn't saved in any model. I couldn't
think of a *simple* way to correct this ... maybe after I learn more
about Morphic.

Bill Dargel            wdargel at shoshana.com
Shoshana Technologies
100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105  USA

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Content-Disposition: inline; filename="DebuggerFixes-wod.26May606pm.cs"

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