CrLfFileStream as default?

William O. Dargel wDargel at
Fri Nov 6 01:40:52 UTC 1998

lex at wrote:

> [snipped good description of the distinction between the guessing 
> used to pick line ending that should be used for new files, and that
>  for appending to old files]
> Now in the CrLfFileStream in the standard image, this second guess
> is also used when reading.  If the convention was guessed to be CR,
> then any LF's read in will be left as is.  This is also debatable,
> and in fact I think that LF's should be converted to CR's no matter
> what convention has been guessed.
> So I sent a patch around a few days ago that did just this.
> Now, I've been using this setup for a week or so now with no troubles.
> However, I've not messed with any *really* strange files....

I checked out the patch for #next and it has a problem of getting stuck
when the *last* character of the file is a Cr. The position gets bumped
back, and you keep getting the Cr over and over again, never reaching
the end.

The following is one way to fix it:

CrLfFileStream >> next
    | char secondChar |
    char _ super next.
    self isBinary ifTrue: [^char].
    char == Cr ifTrue:
        [secondChar _ super next.
        secondChar ifNotNil: [secondChar == Lf ifFalse: [self skip: -1]].
    char == Lf ifTrue: [^Cr].

Personally, I haven't decided whether to start using this method or to
stick with the (current) approach of expecting consistent line endings
within a file being read. I do use something like the above, but only on
an as-needed basis to fix-up "problem" files.

I can see cases where each of the two approaches (accepting mixed line
endings vs. expecting only one type) can each have their uses. Maybe
someone can figure out an approach that could allow either in a flexible
yet clean implementation. Anyone up for refactoring the Stream
hierarchy? :-)

Bill Dargel            wdargel at
Shoshana Technologies
100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105  USA

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