problem with sources (?) - long message

Jason Karney jason at
Mon Nov 16 14:56:03 UTC 1998

I ran into a frustrating, yet interesting, problem over the weekend with Squeak
2.2 running on a Mac. While browsing source methods, I noticed that many (but
not all) methods would show up in the source window with the first letter
missing, e.g. "mphasizeLabel" and "nitialize" for "emphasizeLabel" and
"initialize." My standard test case was the TextAttribute methods, which all
displayed the problem. And accepting any changes for these corrupt methods
resulted in creating a new, misnamed version of the method.

After much trial and error, I discovered that a minor tweak to the sources file
fixed this problem, and method source seemed to display normally. The problem
and fix (an extra cr) is shown in bad/fixed sources fragments one, below.

I soon came across another problem, where certain class comments were corrupt,
as in the fragment that showed up for class StandardSystemController:
tandardSystemController comment:
'I am a controller for StandardSystemViews, that is, those views that are at the
top level of a...

The source and fix are shown below as bad/fixed fragments two.

I didn't seem to experience this problem with the same sources file running
under Windows. Can anybody explain what's going on? Thanks.

Bad sources fragment one:
!StrikeFont class methodsFor: 'derivative font caching'!
shutDown  "StrikeFont shutDown"
 "Deallocate synthetically derived copies of base fonts to save space"
 self allInstancesDo: [:sf | sf reset]! !
ArrayedCollection variableByteSubclass: #String
 instanceVariableNames: ''
 classVariableNames: 'AsciiOrder CaseInsensitiveOrder '
 poolDictionaries: ''
 category: 'Collections-Text'!
!String commentStamp: 'di 5/22/1998 16:38' prior: 0!

Bad sources fragment two:
MouseMenuController subclass: #StandardSystemController
 instanceVariableNames: 'status '
 classVariableNames: 'HBorderCursor ScheduledBlueButtonMenu
ScheduledBlueButtonMessages VBorderCursor '
 poolDictionaries: ''
 category: 'Interface-Support'!
!StandardSystemController commentStamp: 'di 5/22/1998 16:38' prior: 0!
StandardSystemController comment:
'I am a controller for StandardSystemViews, that is, those views that are at the
top level of a project in the system ...'!

Fix sources one:
!StrikeFont class methodsFor: 'derivative font caching'!
shutDown  "StrikeFont shutDown"
 "Deallocate synthetically derived copies of base fonts to save space"
 self allInstancesDo: [:sf | sf reset]! !

ArrayedCollection variableByteSubclass: #String
 instanceVariableNames: ''
 classVariableNames: 'AsciiOrder CaseInsensitiveOrder '
 poolDictionaries: ''
 category: 'Collections-Text'!
!String commentStamp: 'di 5/22/1998 16:38' prior: 0!

Fix sources two:
MouseMenuController subclass: #StandardSystemController
 instanceVariableNames: 'status '
 classVariableNames: 'HBorderCursor ScheduledBlueButtonMenu
ScheduledBlueButtonMessages VBorderCursor '
 poolDictionaries: ''
 category: 'Interface-Support'!

!StandardSystemController commentStamp: 'di 5/22/1998 16:38' prior: 0!
StandardSystemController comment:
'I am a controller for StandardSystemViews, that is, those views that are at the
top level of ...

Jason Karney    <-  Advanced Technology Scientist
NetGenics, Inc.             [jason at]
[STOP] Okay, you were there yesterday, but
       Where do you want to go tomorrow?

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