But what about Flash? (Re: Toward the next release...)

Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de
Thu Nov 5 18:07:37 UTC 1998

On Thu, Nov 05, 1998 at 11:45:44AM -0600, Dwight Hughes wrote:
> For those who would like to know more about TrueType, take a look at the
> Apple Font/Tools Group page -- it has the complete TrueType Reference
> Manual on line, plus more goodies on fonts:
> http://fonts.apple.com/

Another interesting thing is the freetype Project: http://www.freetype.org/

|What is FreeType
|The FreeType engine is a free and portable TrueType font rendering engine.
|It has been developed to provide TT support to a great variety of platforms 
|and environments.
|Note that FreeType is a library. It is not a font server for your favorite
|platform, even though it was designed to be used in many of them. Note also 
|that it is not a complete text-rendering library. Its purpose is simply to 
|open and manage font files, as well as load, hint and render individual 
|glyphs efficiently. You can also see it as a "TrueType driver" for a 
|higher-level library, though rendering text with it is easy, as demonstrated 
|by the test programs.
|FreeType is a clean-room implementation that is not derived from the
|original TrueType engine developed by Apple and Microsoft. It has been 
|created with the sole help of the published TrueType specifications, which 
|to our great surprise (and pain) turned out to be extremely poor or 
|misleading in critical areas. Much hard work has been undertaken to solve 
|ambiguities. The end result is a portable and fast renderer.
|Its quality matches these of Windows and the Macintosh, while its memory
|foot-print and code size (between 48 and 55 kByte of Intel code) remain 
|modest. A thing that cannot be said for most other commercial engines 

Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de fon at home:(0721)614235 @work:(0721)608-2749  

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