Corel NetWinder is good for Squeak

Tim Rowledge rowledge at
Fri Oct 16 22:12:27 UTC 1998

Just as an FYI for those of you that might have been looking for a small cheap
linux machine, it turns out that the Corel NetWinder (http://www.corelcomputer.
com) runs squeak rather nicely. Now that the ARMLinux/Itsy stuff is in the
normal build files etc it took very little more than setting the include paths
properly and typing 'make' to get it working.

Performance is promising at 12+m bytecodes/sec and 600k sends/sec according to
Integer>benchmark and benchFib. Not bad for $800!


Tim Rowledge:  rowledge at (w)  +1 (650) 842-6110 (w)
 tim at (h)  <>

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