Smalltalk is a tidier functional language than Scheme

Patrick Logan patrickl at
Wed Sep 2 04:26:00 UTC 1998

  In my mind, this is one of the niceties of Smalltalk over Scheme...
  there are no special forms.  If the parameter is a block, it
  evaluates to a BlockContext (or closure... hopefully, someday)

Well, Scheme doesn't require special forms. It's just that a closure
in Scheme is less tidy than in Smalltalk!

  | z |
  z := 0.
  [ :x :y | z := x + y + z]


  (let ((z 0))
    (lambda (x y) (set! z (+ x y z)) z))

Scheme has that wordy "lambda" keyword. Here's how a boolean based on
closures would look in Scheme...

  (define true (lambda (trueBlock falseBlock)

  (define false (lambda (trueBlock falseBlock)

  (set! boolean (compute-true-or-false ...))
  (boolean (lambda () (do-this-if-true ...))
           (lambda () (do-this-if-false ...)))

Not as tidy as Smalltalk! Smalltalk is a nice *semi-functional*
programming language! Objects and functions are *very* similar!

Patrick Logan                 mailto:patrickl at
Voice 503-533-3365            Fax   503-629-8556
Gemstone Systems, Inc

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