Squeak Version 2.2 released

Dan Ingalls DanI at wdi.disney.com
Thu Sep 24 21:10:07 UTC 1998

Dwight Hughes wrote:
>By the way, I started the "shrink" sequence Dan posted to create the
>MiniSqueak image and got clobbered - haven't had time to sort out what
>exactly is happening though.

Smalltalk majorShrink does all the other shrinks as well (and has trouble if they have already been done). 

Therefore, simply run
	Smalltalk majorShrink.
to get the small image.  You may follow this by
	Smalltalk abandonSources.
if you want to try out decompilation, or really run in a PDA, but it takes a while and doesn't make the image any smaller (in fact it adds a bit).

Thanks for the alert.

	- Dan

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