Squeak Version 2.2 released (division again)

Christopher Oliver oliver at fritz.traverse.net
Fri Sep 25 10:05:48 UTC 1998

  I see that the division of a LargePositiveIntegers is now fixed, but
the problem of evaluating (SmallInteger MinVal) quo: -1 remains.  Will
anyone comment on the following substitution for Smallinteger>>quo:?

!SmallInteger methodsFor: 'arithmetic' stamp: 'cao 9/8/1998 13:02'!
quo: aNumber
        "Primitive. Divide the receiver by the argument and answer with the
        result. Round the result down towards zero to make it a whole integer.
        Fail if the argument is 0 or is not a SmallInteger. Optional. See Object
        documentation whatIsAPrimitive."

        <primitive: 13>
        aNumber = 0 ifTrue: [^self error: 'Attempt to divide by zero'].
        (aNumber class == SmallInteger)
                ifTrue: [^ SmallInteger minVal abs]
                ifFalse: [^super quo: aNumber]! !

Christopher Oliver                     Traverse Internet
Systems Coordinator                    223 Grandview Pkwy, Suite 108
oliver at traverse.net                    Traverse City, Michigan, 49684
  "What good is a can of worms if you never open it?"  -Bob Arning

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