Squeak Version 2.2 released

Kevin Fisher kfisher at rim.net
Thu Sep 24 20:07:08 UTC 1998

Whups...I've already run into a few problems!  I'm using the 2.1 Squeak.exe
(under Windoze NT) and running the newly-downloaded Squeak2.2.image/changes 
files.  If I highlight some text it gets totally obscured...the highlight
and the text colour are the same colour.  Same goes for the root menu popup.

In a Morphic world there are strange areas near the corners that seem to 
attract window droppings..

This doesn't happen under X11/Linux, however, running the 2.1 interpreter and 
the 2.2 image.

Also, the PWS doesn't seem to want to start (on the 2.2 image running the 
Win32 2.1 Squeak.exe interp).  In fact, after doing the PWS initialize on a 
fresh server folder Squeak dies...I have a crash.dmp handy if anyone wants it. 
 I get the feeling the VM exe I'm using isn't too healthy...I'm going to try 
setting up a SWiki under Linux and see what happens.

Oh and can someone clear up a long-standing mystery with me:  Directory 
delimination on differing operating systems!  For example, when setting up the 
Server Directory in the PWS should I be using 'C:\squeak\Server' or 
'C:$\squeak$\Server'?  Likewise for UNIX, I guess, substituting \ with /...
The FileStream class 'automatically' figures things out, right (through 
StandardFileStream or CrLfFileStream)?

(I hope I didn't do anything boneheaded here...)

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