VM Crash when running squeak2.4 on my notebook...

Pablo Casullo pcasullo at baufest.com
Fri Apr 23 13:32:19 UTC 1999

Hello Everybody

    I am having a big problem when I try to run squeak in my notebook. This
is an IBM thinkpad i-series 1411 and when I try to run the squeak.exe with
the image the following dump appears:

Thu Apr 22 21:32:20 1999

Current byte code: 209
Primitive index: 264
Stack dump follows:

24058060 Dictionary>scanFor:
24057904 Set>findElementOrNil:
24057748 Dictionary>at:ifAbsent:
24058836 [] in SystemDictionary>send:toClassesNamedIn:
24057592 OrderedCollection>do:
24057436 SystemDictionary>send:toClassesNamedIn:
24057280 SystemDictionary>processStartUpList
24015132 SystemDictionary>snapshot:andQuit:
24014940 ScreenController>snapshotAndQuit
24014504 ScreenController>yellowButtonActivity
24014348 ScreenController>redButtonActivity
24013840 MouseMenuController>controlActivity
24013684 Controller>controlLoop
24013528 Controller>startUp
24013996 [] in ControlManager>activeController:
24014152 [] in BlockContext>newProcess

(And the message in the message box that comes up is "Fatal error, CV crash"
or something like that)

Does anybody know what the problem might be?

Thanks in advance.

Pablo S. Casullo
mailto:pcasullo at baufest.com

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