[ENH] Faster Sorted Collections

Stephen T. Pope stp at create.ucsb.edu
Fri Dec 3 22:30:44 UTC 1999

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Hello all,

SortedCollections assign a default sort block if none is provided. Since
90% of these blocks are the same, we can save one block activation per
sort comparison if we code the comparison directly for collections where
the sort block is nil. The attached change set implements this; the
speed-up is quite significant for large collections (>100% for 50000
items in random order).


  Stephen Travis Pope
  stp at create.ucsb.edu -- http://www.create.ucsb.edu/~stp
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'From Squeak 2.4a of April 21, 1999 on 23 April 1999 at 5:33:11 am'!

!SortedCollection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'stp 04/23/1999 05:32'!
defaultSort: i to: j 
	"Sort elements i through j of self to be nondescending according to
	sortBlock."	"Assume the default sort block ([:x :y | x <= y])."

	| di dij dj tt ij k l n |
	"The prefix d means the data at that index."
	(n _ j + 1  - i) <= 1 ifTrue: [^self].	"Nothing to sort." 
	 "Sort di,dj."
	di _ array at: i.
	dj _ array at: j.
	(di <= dj) "i.e., should di precede dj?"
			[array swap: i with: j.
			 tt _ di.
			 di _ dj.
			 dj _ tt].
	n > 2
		ifTrue:  "More than two elements."
			[ij _ (i + j) // 2.  "ij is the midpoint of i and j."
			 dij _ array at: ij.  "Sort di,dij,dj.  Make dij be their median."
			 (di <= dij) "i.e. should di precede dij?"
				[(dij <= dj) "i.e., should dij precede dj?"
					[array swap: j with: ij.
					 dij _ dj]]
			   ifFalse:  "i.e. di should come after dij"
				[array swap: i with: ij.
				 dij _ di].
			n > 3
			  ifTrue:  "More than three elements."
				["Find k>i and l<j such that dk,dij,dl are in reverse order.
				Swap k and l.  Repeat this procedure until k and l pass each other."
				 k _ i.
				 l _ j.
				 [[l _ l - 1.  k <= l and: [dij <= (array at: l)]]
				   whileTrue.  "i.e. while dl succeeds dij"
				  [k _ k + 1.  k <= l and: [(array at: k) <= dij]]
				   whileTrue.  "i.e. while dij succeeds dk"
				  k <= l]
					[array swap: k with: l]. 
	"Now l<k (either 1 or 2 less), and di through dl are all less than or equal to dk
	through dj.  Sort those two segments."
				self defaultSort: i to: l.
				self defaultSort: k to: j]]! !

!SortedCollection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'stp 04/23/1999 05:33'!
sort: i to: j 
	"Sort elements i through j of self to be nondescending according to

	| di dij dj tt ij k l n |
	sortBlock ifNil: [^self defaultSort: i to: j].
	"The prefix d means the data at that index."
	(n _ j + 1  - i) <= 1 ifTrue: [^self].	"Nothing to sort." 
	 "Sort di,dj."
	di _ array at: i.
	dj _ array at: j.
	(sortBlock value: di value: dj) "i.e., should di precede dj?"
			[array swap: i with: j.
			 tt _ di.
			 di _ dj.
			 dj _ tt].
	n > 2
		ifTrue:  "More than two elements."
			[ij _ (i + j) // 2.  "ij is the midpoint of i and j."
			 dij _ array at: ij.  "Sort di,dij,dj.  Make dij be their median."
			 (sortBlock value: di value: dij) "i.e. should di precede dij?"
				[(sortBlock value: dij value: dj) "i.e., should dij precede dj?"
					[array swap: j with: ij.
					 dij _ dj]]
			   ifFalse:  "i.e. di should come after dij"
				[array swap: i with: ij.
				 dij _ di].
			n > 3
			  ifTrue:  "More than three elements."
				["Find k>i and l<j such that dk,dij,dl are in reverse order.
				Swap k and l.  Repeat this procedure until k and l pass each other."
				 k _ i.
				 l _ j.
				 [[l _ l - 1.  k <= l and: [sortBlock value: dij value: (array at: l)]]
				   whileTrue.  "i.e. while dl succeeds dij"
				  [k _ k + 1.  k <= l and: [sortBlock value: (array at: k) value: dij]]
				   whileTrue.  "i.e. while dij succeeds dk"
				  k <= l]
					[array swap: k with: l]. 
	"Now l<k (either 1 or 2 less), and di through dl are all less than or equal to dk
	through dj.  Sort those two segments."
				self sort: i to: l.
				self sort: k to: j]]! !

!SortedCollection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'stp 04/23/1999 05:36'!
indexForInserting: newObject

	| index low high |
	low _ firstIndex.
	high _ lastIndex.
	sortBlock isNil
		ifTrue: [[index _ high + low // 2.  low > high]
				[((array at: index) <= newObject)
					ifTrue: [low _ index + 1]
					ifFalse: [high _ index - 1]]]
		ifFalse: [[index _ high + low // 2.  low > high]
				[(sortBlock value: (array at: index) value: newObject)
					ifTrue: [low _ index + 1]
					ifFalse: [high _ index - 1]]].
	^low! !

!SortedCollection class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'stp 04/23/1999 05:34'!
new: anInteger 
	"The default sorting function is a <= comparison on elements."

	^(super new: anInteger) "sortBlock: [:x :y | x <= y]" 		"nil sortBlock OK"! !

(StringHolder new textContents:
	For a demonstration of the faster sorted collections, evaluate the following expression

"	| co ra sc |
	co := OrderedCollection new.
	ra := Random new.
	50000 timesRepeat: [ co add: ra next].
	sc := SortedCollection new.
	Transcript cr; show: ''Fast: '',  (Time millisecondsToRun: [sc addAll: co]) printString, '' msec''; cr.
	sc := SortedCollection sortBlock: [:x :y | x <= y].
	Transcript show: ''Slow: '', (Time millisecondsToRun: [sc addAll: co]) printString, '' msec''; cr.

'))	openLabel: 'Faster SortedCollections test'!


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