time zones, offtopic (Was: Various fixes for Celeste)

Stan Heckman stan at stanheckman.com
Wed Dec 8 19:28:06 UTC 1999

Jan Bottorff <janb at pmatrix.com> writes:
> I'm still not sure what the name for the moments during leap second changes
> are. I was arguing we either must have times like 11:59:60 or else 11:59:59
> must happen twice when leap seconds happen. 

We can, of course, name them whatever we want. ITU-R Recommendation
TF.460.4 section 2.2 recommends that we name them 11:59:60 instead of
reusing 11:59:59. Following their recommendation has the advantage that 
no two different times have the same name.

Also, in my field everyone follows this recommendation. Is there some
other community that repeats 11:59:59 instead?


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