Feedback about the scripting area

Mark Guzdial guzdial at
Wed Dec 15 15:04:00 UTC 1999

>We would like to use a Swiki were every child could share with the
>other ones the scripts he like the most

This is really great, Stephane!  It's terrific that you're developing 
some alternative scripting options for Squeak and trying them out 
with kids!

About the Swiki: One of the early Swiki experiments that we did was 
an ActiveSwiki where students could actually type Squeak code into 
the page, and then have it be executed each time the page was served. 
The page could easily be interactive, gathering input from the user 
and using the input values to change the output. The result was a 
collaborative space for building Active Essays -- we even had an 
example where users could specify a number of sides and an angle, and 
the Pen would draw the resultant Polygon and return the diagram as a 
GIF. ActiveSwikiAction is still in the PWS code included in Squeak.

The problem is that it's amazingly easy to crash -- letting people 
generate random code to run on your server is way dangerous, 
*ESPECIALLY* when the people generating code are novice programmers, 
who invent really damaging code even more effectively than malicious 
hackers! :-)  We had some simple safeguards (e.g., a set of keywords 
that we wouldn't allow in the page script), but it wasn't really 
enough.  GaTech Squeakers working in the lab with the servers were 
particularly annoyed when a user decided to try writing 
music-generating code in the page, so the server would start 
"singing" every time any user loaded that page!

But I think that the basic idea is viable, and would be really 
effective for the kind of use you describe.  If you're interested, 
we'd be interested in working with you to try to improve ActiveSwikis 
so that they'd be usable for students.


Mark Guzdial : Georgia Tech : College of Computing : Atlanta, GA 30332-0280
(404) 894-5618 : Fax (404) 894-0673 : guzdial at

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