[BUG] Retractable or Not?

Stefan Matthias Aust sma at 3plus4.de
Wed Dec 22 12:22:21 UTC 1999

Can anybody explain me, why the FillInTheBlankMorph always wants to have
the opposite scrollbar behavior as set in the preferences?

In #setQuery:initialAnswer:answerHeight:, the message #retractableOrNot is
sent to the text pane which inverts the prefered scrollbar behavior.

Either this call as to be removed  -- or if it meant to switch on static
scrollbars because the original author had retractable scrollbars PLEASE use

  textPane retractable: false

here.  The fix should be obvious so no attachment here. I'd vote for
removing the line.

PS: Why is the scrollbar position bound to the fact whether you want
rectractable bars or not?  I'd prefer to use static scrollbars but on the
left, not on the right.  A separate preference setting would be nice here.

Stefan Matthias Aust  //  Bevor wir fallen, fallen wir lieber auf.

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